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RE: Ash Grunwald (Blues with a Looper) More Steel

Did you get something to play on Luis I managed to get a Morrell student 
string for $82 shipped. It isn't too bad for a plank of Alder (possibly)
with one Tele bridge pickup and one volume control on it. Even the
inexpensive tuners look strong enough to survive long term usage. I doubt I
would bother to even  resell it more likely use it as a test platform for
modifications and testing ideas on. Thanks to whoever mentioned the string
bending behind the bar technique and slants are pretty cool to. This is a
fun instrument now I am not sure if I even care about a pedal steel (got
enough buttons to worry about already) more strings for diverse tunings and
improved facilities and a console would be nice.

-----Original Message-----
From: L. Angulo [mailto:labalou2000@yahoo.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 2004 6:14 AM
To: Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com
Subject: Re: Ash Grunwald (Blues with a Looper) More Steel

and he is just using a Boss looper!
Great stuff!

--- Alan Kroeger <nospam@akroeger.com> wrote:
> This is something I have been trying to do a bit of myself (on Fiddle) 
> only I don't do it as well as this guy Ash Grunwald 
> http://www.ashgrunwald.com/index.htm does it :(
> Listen to this one
> nice
> variation on the Andre Glitch Rhythm in the backing nice rendition 
> altogether of an old blues standard.
> Interview
> http://www.musicomh.com/interviews/ash-grunwald.htm


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