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Re: looping observation

On Jul 28, 2004, at 11:25 AM, Nemoguitt@aol.com wrote:
>  p.s. my old puter died the slow and painful death so i got a new 
> one.....i went to the dark side and got a mac.....it came with garage 
> band (fun) and i also got some simple recording programs that i am at 
> a complete loss as how to use: Peak LE 4 (G4+) and Reason Adapted for 
> M-Audio, there is also Live Delta.....

Welcome to the darkside.  I've never used Garageband, but I'm finding 
that using MOTU's Digital Performer 4 with their 828 Firewire interface 
to be a very sweet little setup.  For looping it's got the POLAR module 
which is a single feature (adjustable feedback) away from being a 
Repeater killer.  All in all, it is a useful feature.

> i am casting off my LUDDITE attiudes and i am going to learn how to 
> use this stuff, i promise!.....if anyone out there can send me some 
> pointers about this mission please do so, off line of 
> course.....thanks

I can't go on enough about how I think you made the right choice.  
While there's not as much cool software out for Macintosh OSX, there's 
more all the time and there already is a bunch of cool stuff.  OSX is 
amazingly stable and to me seems a hands down winner in terms of 
useablity compared to Window's XP.  (I have to use both at my job)
