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RE: korg drumboxes (was terry riley's organ)

Title: RE: korg drumboxes (was terry riley's organ)

Well, if you’re ever are at your rig and happen to have things setup just so, let me know what you discovered.  That ESX-1 one looks really sweet, and it would be great to great to have control over velocity beyond accent control.


-----Original Message-----
From: goddard.duncan@mtvne.com [mailto:goddard.duncan@mtvne.com]
Sent: Thursday, July 29, 2004 8:06 AM
To: LanceZechinato@verizon.net; Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com
Subject: RE: korg drumboxes (was terry riley's organ)


>>You have experience with this, right?  Straight-up velocity sensitivity when
using a midi controller for input?<<

absolutely yes, even the older solid-state electribes. I guess they just wanted to save a few bucks on the hardware. I would have to fire one of mine up to be sure that the step-sequencer itself stores/plays back vv data, but it moset certainly responds to it over midi. I have a feeling that using the accent control has some bearing on what it transmits.....

btw- just snagged an old 110 off of e-bay, just like I thought I might..... damn it's addictive.



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