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Re: Yet Another Loop Music Microorganism Video

Yet Another Loop Music Microorganism VideoI'm viewing/listening to 
DVD at the moment.  Wow!  I'd say it is like being back in high school,
looking thru a microscope in Biology...but...this is different.  Very.  
maybe have some dreams about it tonight, but it's worth it!  Cool music,
groovy visual effects.  Thanks, Krispen - looks like you put a lot of work
into this!  (I went out to get the mail, and usually nothing cool is for 
just my wife...but today was different!)


I think it's mostly available to view at:

----- Original Message -----
From: Krispen Hartung
To: Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com
Sent: Monday, June 14, 2004 12:50 PM
Subject: Yet Another Loop Music Microorganism Video

For those of you who enjoyed the previous two microorganism videos I 
both of which were choreographed with looped music, I have another horrific
and disgusting creature to add to the list, with even more interesting 
effects. See the last video, "The Probe," at this page:

I was able to synchronize some of the video effects with my looped guitar
piece, which in this case is a very minimalistic intro of a longer song
from my CD, using the acoustic guitar, delay, reverb, and the Boomerang.  I
wish I could share the 60MB version with you. The music quality and video
resolution are much better.
I probably won't share anymore with the group until I have a whole DVD's
worth of videos to ship to those who are interested (no charge)..later this
summer after I collect more specimens.  Send me a note if you are
interested, and I'll put you on the list. I can probably handle sending 20
or so.
Krispen Hartung