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Re: DL-4 hum/buzz when half-speed overdubbing?

Hi Travis,
This behavior (especially since both units exhibit it) could be consistent with a nearby noise source being sampled and aliased into the audible spectrum. Have you recently added something to your setup or environment that radiates - like a monitor, something with a switched mode power supply (e.g. computer) or wireless link?
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, August 15, 2004 3:12 PM
Subject: DL-4 hum/buzz when half-speed overdubbing?

The other day I noticed that my Line6 DL-4 now includes an unpleasant
buzz/hum/whine when recording in half-speed mode.  Switching back to
regular speed just shifts it up an octave, although recording and
playing back at full-speed have no problems.  So, I pulled out my spare
(neither one has seen much use recently) and found that it had the same
problem, although to a lesser degree.  Both units are about three years
old and have seen only light usage and been stored on a pedalboard or
somewhere safe, and I've tried different guitars, amps, cable, etc.

I know they didn't used to do this--has anyone else seen this problem?


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