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Re: California Guitar Trio and Tony Levin w. TG (gig spam)

Hey Lance (and all),

On Aug 19, 2004, at 1:04 PM, Lance Zechinato wrote:

So you’re using the Repeater.  Do you normally use the EDP and Repeater together live?  And which one is normally your main squeeze?

I bought the Repeater first (the day they first hit San Diego) and used it exclusively for awhile. So.. I have a lot of songs/ideas that were sort of built around how it operates.. definitely making use of the presence of multiple tracks.

My EDP was bought used (bad idea?) and as of today is on it's way to a second repair visit (This time around going to Briish Audio Service as per Gibson's recommendation). For what little time I've had it up and running I've been loving it. For some things it just makes life a whole lot simpler. The tricky part comes in keeping the commands for the two units separate in my brain. On the Repeater you always hit record to do overdubs.. not a good thing to mix those up.

Too bad your upcoming shows aren’t in the Balto area; I’d really dig seeing you in concert.  77 Times is amazing; I’d love to see that one live.

Thanks! Glad you like it.. a lot of people do. In fact I've now got 3 recorded versions of it, the one on the solo CD, one on a live Agent 22 CD (with drums and a tapping gtr player) and there's a 3rd version yet to be released on a band album with myself, Jerry Marotta and Tony Levin making a bass cameo. Definitely bordering on overkill.. but.. also definitely fun for me to see how other people respond to it in the studio. There's an end section in 13 for example.. Darren the drummer on the solo CD plays it as sort of 7 and 6. Jerry heard it as being a slow 4 and fast 5. Me.. I just like hearing what they do with it. :)

Tom Griesgraber