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Andre LaFosse in EM magazine

I, too, was excited to see Andre get such nice press in the latest
Electronic Musician magazine and I felt bad that he isn't here now
to read people being excited for him.

He left Loopers Delight late last year for a number of reasons and
I, for one,  miss his presence here.

He is an innovator and has been an invaluable contributor to both Loopers
the entire Live Looping scene and, in particular, the culture and 
of the Gibson EDP
and I think that Loopers Delight is actually much the less for his absence.
If you are a newbie
and haven't checked out all of his postings and pages here at the site or
his wonderful
and very generous webpage, chronicling technical details of EDP technique,
you owe it to yourself
to check the archives.


Would anyone be into signing an e-mail card to him, telling him that he is
missed here and that
we would love it if he would graciously consider returning to our fold?

If so,  please respond to me offlist.   If I can get some support for this,
I will write a brief letter
send it to all of you privately and then send it to him if everybody feels
good about having their
signature on it.

Also,   I know that there was some contentiousness around Andre's leaving
from several parties.
If you think this is a crappy idea, again,  please e-mail me offlist.  I'd
love to hear your feelings.
Let's not gum up the mailing list here with another flame war.........we've
had enough for the year already.

yours,  respectfully and in the spirit of uplifting the looping community.

rick       (rickwalker@looppool.info)