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Re: EDP MIDI Clock reception

At 06:57 AM 8/24/2004, Alen Cileli wrote:
>I'm a relatively new EDP user. I spent a lot of time last night trying to 
>set up the EDP to receive MIDI clock signal frm a Korg drum machine. 
>following the directions to a tee (Synch = In, Midi out from drum machine 
>---> Midi In on EDP, drum machine generating clock) I still had no luck.

yes, that is the right way to set it up. Make sure your drum machine is 
configured to send midi clock out.

Also make sure the 8ths/cycle setting on the echoplex is reasonable. The 
default setting of 8 means one loop is equal to 8 8th notes at the tempo 
the incoming clock, or two bars of 4/4 time.

Do you have LoopIII or LoopIV software in your Echoplex? (They both sync 
MIDI fine, but the behavior is a little different between them.)

>I read in the list archive that the EDP needs to be "in reset" while the 
>external device sends the clock. Is this referring to the resting state 
>the EDP before you begin recording?

yes, that is correct. "Reset" is also the state after you have held down 
the record button to reset the loop.

>Anyone have any other ideas why I haven't been able to succeed in doing 
>this? (I tried multiple MIDI cables...to eliminate the obvious)

With the Echoplex in Reset, press Start on the drum machine. You should 
some LED flash on the Echoplex. (the sync display is different for LoopIII 
and LoopIV.) After one cycle time has passed, you should see the flash 
again, and more LEDs going if you use LoopIV. If you don't see anything, 
the clock is not being sent to the Echoplex. If you do see the LED's 
you should be able to record and have the loop automatically quantize to 
the right length and stay in sync from there on.


Kim Flint                     | Looper's Delight
kflint@loopers-delight.com    | http://www.loopers-delight.com