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Re: Randomization and Loops

On Dec 1, 2004, at 19:03, Jeff Evans wrote:

>   I think it would be interesting to create a sequenced piece, and 
> have it generate a hugely different output each time.

At the moment I'm experimenting with something similar; a system of 
sequenced audio paths but with no actual audio sources. The musician 
has to provide the audio input by playing into a microphone. Whatever 
noise is played into the system will be distributed over three 
different channels. Each of the three streams will then be looped and 
muted or boosted to different phrasings as well as transposed into 
different melodies. Three simultaneous channels, but each channel has 
many "melodies" and "phrasings" coming up on a row, in a random order 
(random script based on probability for one or the other alternative to 
occur next).

I've just started to scratch the surface of this system and I'm 
starting from the base to learn it. So far I have crated quite simple 
"generative compositions" that will produce a rather basic three piece 
orchestra "song" if the live musician plays only one note. The more 
variation the live musician does perform, the more complex the 
resulting piece will sound.

> Also, does anyone know if there is a midi note generator that can 
> generate notes randomly, within (or not) definable parameters such as 
> key, length (# of 1/8th notes, for example), # of notes in that 
> length, a range of duration (meaning sustain), etc.

Both Live 4 and Numerology can do this.

Greetings from Sweden

Per Boysen
http://www.looproom.com (international)
http://www.boysen.se (Swedish site)