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Re: Loopers-Delight-d Digest V04 #505

> At 1:46 PM -0800 12/2/04, Tim Nelson wrote:
>> --- a k butler <akbutler@tiscali.co.uk> wrote:
>> in response to Richard Zvonar's assertion that:
>>>> The most obvious application is in multichannel
>>> surround, where the flocking is spatial.
>>> not obvious if you don't have 6(or more) speakers
>> I caught Dr. Zvonar's piece "Fricket" at the Ought-1
>> festival three years ago; he had the sounds of frogs
>> and crickets in octophonic (I think it was) surround!
> That was indeed 8-channel, with the speakers in an equally-spaced
> octagonal configuration. I made the piece specifically for that
> situation - it was inspired by  Larry Austin's restoration of Cage's
> "Williams Mix" (the first 8-channel piece) and by Larry's own
> "Williams [re]Mix[ed]."  It was fun to present all three pieces
> back-to-back, with Larry and I telling the stories of the pieces'
> genesis.
> "Frikkit!" was made in a fairly simple manner, with no dynamic
> spatialization at all. I used unaltered cricket and frog sounds and
> arranged them statically in space. Any movement that was perceived
> was either inherent in the source recordings or was a result of the
> "call and response" between sounds in different channels.

this mutiple speaker setup reminds me of my trip to this place w/ 169(!)
speakers in place-we went in w/ minds wide open but left @ intermission
cause...well, in the words of g.harrison its "<all too much>"