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EMUSIC Playlist #402 for December 2, 2004


EMUSIC is an electronic, ambient, and space music show, that airs each 
at 11:00 pm on WDIY 88.1 FM, Allentown and Bethlehem, PA, 93.9 FM in 
PA and Phillipsburg, NJ, 92.9 FM on Service Electric Cable, and 
webcasting on
the internet.

                    Show #402                    December 2, 2004

On this show, I started a month-long focus on Klaus Schulze, 
concentrating on
his ten CD boxed set "Contemporary Works Volume 1" on the Rainhorse label, 
part of the Manikin label.  The Featured CD at Midnight was "Docking" by 
Schulze and Solar Moon.

The Vinyl Starter was from the LP "Ash Ra Tempel" by Ash Ra Tempel on Ohr

centrozoon (Markus Reuter and Bernhard Wöstheinrich) recently visited 
the USA.
On Monday, November 29, they paid a visit to WDIY to record an EMUSIC Radio
Concert.  Seven tracks were selected from that recording which I mixed 
for this
special presentation.  Visit the EMUSIC Artist Profiles for pictures.

Klaus Schulze - 
centrozoon - http://www.centrozoon.de
Artist Profiles - http://wdiy.org/programs/emusic/concerts/artists.html


ARTIST                  TRACK                    ALBUM (label)
======================= ======================== 
11:00 pm
Ash Ra Tempel           Jenseits *               Join Inn (Ohr)
centrozoon              Tracks 1, 4, 5, 6        CDR (none)
centrozoon              Tracks 7, 8, 10          CDR (none)

12:00 am
Klaus Schulze vs.       Let the Rain Come        Docking 
  Solar Moon
KS vs. Solar Moon       You Get What...          Docking 
KS vs. Solar Moon       Strong                   Docking 

1:00 am

 * = exerpt
VA = Various Artists (compilation)
++ = Advance CDR from Artist

On the next EMUSIC, I'll continue the month-long focus on Klaus Schulze 
and his
ten CD boxed set "Contemporary Works Volume 1."  The Featured CD at 
will be "Ballet 1."

The Vinyl Starter will be from the LP "Blackouts" by Ashra on Virgin 

Host of EMUSIC, an electronic, ambient, and space music show, Thursdays at
11:04 pm EST (GMT-5:00) on WDIY 88.1 FM in Allentown and Bethlehem and 
93.9 FM
in Easton and Phillipsburg.  Listen on-line to WDIY at http://wdiy.org and
click on the LISTEN link or go directly to:
EMUSIC web site - http://wdiy.org/programs/emusic
To subscribe to the EMUSIC-on-WDIY mailing list, click on [Join This 
Group!] at