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Do not be a silly man!  There are less expensive solutions that don't have 
shiny, clean box around them, and most likely appeal to ones' yen for the
nuts-and-bolts of things:

Guerrilla Drive-In - Something I really feel left out on not being in the
US.  This seems to be going on in vacant lots with a laptop, a power 
and a homemade video projector costing as little as $200 to make.

Towards the bottom of the above page you'll see the instructions for making
said projector:

Cheap, not unreliable, and, I might add, a good use for something that 
otherwise be a toxic land-fill problem.

Stephen Goodman
* Cartoons about DVDs and Stuff
* http://www.earthlight.net/HiddenTrack

> Dr. Z wrote:
> "I'm dreaming in that direction too. The projectors I've been lusting
> after are a little pricier, being in the $1,500-$1,800 range. This is
> because I've been looking at XGA resolution and brighter lamps.
> I know,  those are the ones I"ve lusted after as well and they are way 
> of my ability to afford.    I've been thinking about
> seeing if I could write some kind of a grant for a project that would
> include
> this equipment and see if I could hookwink some foundation into paying 
> the projector.   Probably a pipe dream but you never know.  Stranger
> have
> happened.
> Dr. Z also wrote:
> "I've done a lot of performances with visuals, primarily with a
> combination of multiple slide projectors on multiple screens together
> with movement performance and manipulation of simple props. At some
> point I'll put some images up on the Web."
> Wow, Richard,  I have so much respect for everything I"ve ever heard you
> or do that I would
> love to see some of your images on the Web.   I thought that someday many
> years from now I might
> get the courage to do a gallery show with my modest hand art.   It's
> creative if technically
>  unsophisticated.   Then again,  one of my favorite art museums on the
> planet is the wonderful folk
> art museum outside of Santa Fe, New Mexico.    If you ever want to see an
> awesome display of
> Hand milagros from all over the world, they have it there.