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Re: Help Me!!Gibson Echoplex Digital Pro

Thanks a lot for replying, Andy!

I lowered the output level and put the input level as high as possible, 
and indeed the noise is way better now (output level is really low 
though, so I have to crank the amp up to get some decent volume).  I 
tried putting it in an effect loop but that didn't make much of a 
noticeable difference.  I guess I'm being really picky about it, but 
before I only did some modest looping on a Line-6  DL4 and that device 
didn't make any noise what so ever.  Or maybe I shouldn't compare those 

About the Undo Function, Andy, you say that the device doesn't know 
where a overdub starts and ends, and that there might be another layer 
over the overdub (maybe not loud enough to notice) when the Undo 
function acts a bit funny.  The thing is, when I overdub (and I make 
sure the overdub is inside of 1 cycle) I never leave the overdub on.  
So I hit the button and start playing right away and when the overdub 
is finished I hit the button again right away.  So it is impossible 
that there would be another layer over the overdub, I think.  But I'll 
check the manual on that as you suggested.  I hope that'll give me some 
insight on how the Undo function works on the EDP. Thanks...

Take Care, Frederik
On 07 Dec 2004, at 08:40, a k butler wrote:

> At 23:47 06/12/04, you wrote:
>> When play backing, I hear the recorded material really clear but the 
>> Echoplex seems to add a lot of noise/ hiss.  And I know for sure the 
>> Echoplex is the cause.  I tried different cables, different guitar, 
>> no effects in between,.... but it's still there.  If you hit the 
>> record button and don't play anything, and then hit the record button 
>> again (play back), it's a really really obvious and loud hiss sound.
> EDP is essentially a line level device.
> So if you're using it direct to guitar amp, it may be a bit hard to 
> set the volumes right.
> ...but try putting input level up till just before distortion 
> (LED=orange) and turning down the Output. That should help with the 
> noise.
> Or try putting EDP in your amp's FX loop.
>> Like all of this isn't enough.... I also think the undo function 
>> isn't functioning properly
> Your Undo is working correctly.
>> .For example, I record a very short phrase and make sure the Undo LED 
>> is green.  When I hit it, sometimes it gets rid of the overdub right 
>> away, sometimes I have to hit it twice or even three times,
> Either because Feedback wasn't on full, or
> because there was a layer of something recorded over your overdub, 
> maybe not loud enough to notice, but the EDP recorded it.
>> or sometimes I hit it but there's still a fragment left of the 
>> overdub.
> ...try a Long Press of Undo to get rid of more of your overdub.
> There's an explanation in the manual about Undo.
> ...but consider that the EDP has no way of "knowing" where your 
> overdub starts and ends,
> so it can't always just delete the bit you want it to.
> andy butler