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Re: Looper's party. 12/17 next friday night.

sounds really nice I'd like to attend....
On Monday, December 13, 2004, at 04:03 PM, delighted.looper wrote:

>  Hey all,  I'm having a party for members of various mailing lists I'm 
> on. Nothing but gear talk and pontification.  I'm be posting this to 
> several other forums, so there's potential for plenty of cross 
> pollination.
> There's a cover charge I'm afraid: one cd or other recording of your 
> original music. (but make sure to bring more, I'm sure others will 
> want some too)
> 1. My house.  2. Next friday night 8pm till...
> 3. Bring your own whateva.
> 4. Small instruments are welcome, or laptops, if you swing that way.
> 5. Don't forget to bring cds of your music, too.
> Mail me offlist for directions, and so I know that this thing will 
> fly. If you want to come, and can't make it, also mail me also - the 
> date is flexible.
> bIz