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monitoring in LIVE and keyboard macro stuff

Hey there,
I've been looking through the looping list archive today trying to figure out the best way to set up my fcb1010. I read a couple of posts about configuring the fcb footboard to send multiple messages at once - which I've tried and it works but not in quite the way it should.
Here are the 2 ways I'm trying to tackle my monitoring/clip recording problems:
- Set all the monitoring of tracks to be off except for one which is always on and designated only for monitoring
 - record enable every track except my monitoring track.
this works fine but it would be nice to monitor directly from the track im about to record on if I have different VST/effects set up on each channel, plus if this was the case the audience would hear the clean sound while I'm recording then the effected sound once the loop starts. I know I could duplicate the effects on the channel I'm monitoring but it slams the cpu a bit, if I need a seperate monitoring track for each track I'm going to record on.
- set all tracks to auto monitor
- Use multiple midi commands from the fcb1010 to record enable and then launch clip record.
I've set switch 1 on my fcb1010 to send a midi note to launch the clip in track 1 scene 1 and also it sends a midi controller message at the same time with a value over 64 (which is on according to the ableton manual) I did this reading through a post from Per Boysen about putting the fcb1010 into preset program mode so that you can send the note message and the controller message seperately in order for live to learn each message. All seems good in theory but when i hit my switch on the fcb1010 it seems like the messages come too quickly for live to recognise them both - my record enable gets switched on and the track 1 slot tries to record but it hasn't recognised yet that the record enable is on so it doesn't record, similarly once the track is record enabled pressing my footswitch again disables the record enable and sometimes records a very small amount of audio while the record was still on. I'm pretty sure the controller message comes first, then the midi note, and have tried it both ways but still can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.
another option is to assign keyboard keys to the record enable and fire clip slot buttons and then use the utility http://www.bome.com/midi/translator/ to type those keys for me once I hit the appropriate midi message on the foot controller. and that works ok, but I feel that I might run out of keys quickly.
I also read a post by Doug Cox about deleting clips with macros, could you explain this a bit further? my clips only seem to be selected when I click them with the mouse - how do you select/highlight a clip from the keyboard?  my select clip on launch preference is on but when I launch a clip from midi it doesn't seem to take the focus, so I cant delete it with my midi->key macro.
this utitlty seems to have it covered which I thought you guys might be interested in - but it's only for macOSX which unfortunately doesn't help me.
From reading this list I'm coming to understand that looping without any pre recorded material is the holy grail of looping, which is cool... but it's damn hard to use live effectively with quantisation set to none and it's hard to record your first loop to a click when you only have a indigo stereo output (I guess I could monitor through the Left channel and output front of house through the right) any ideas?
does the audience care so long as the music is original?
thanks in advance for any help to my post
- Tim

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