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Re: Electrix press release from 12/17

has anyone heard if they are re-issuing the repeater?

sorry if this has been covered.


On Jan 7, 2005, at 2:48 PM, S V G wrote:

>      I'm reposting this from the Repeater-Users group.  The wishlist 
> that Peter mentions is culled
> from the same group.
>          Stephen
> Date: Wed, 05 Jan 2005 11:31:02 -0800
>    From: Peter Toms <ptoms@condor-electronics.com>
> Subject: Re: Electrix press release from 12/17
> Hi all -
> I've been in good communication with Electrix, and they will be
> releasing an OS upgrade for Repeater with something like 25 fixes and
> new features. The tentative date is late April. Re-compiling the
> software compressed the total size of the files and therefore allowed
> new code to be added. Whoo-hoo! I'm looking forward to this - they've
> been using our wishlist for guidance in their upgrade process.
> They're basically re-releasing the other products with minor changes to
> differentiate the new release from the previous sets.
> We are continuing as the service facility for all Electrix products.
> There's a link on their website, and they've been great about supplying
> parts to keep the product line running in everybody's racks.
> More news soon,
> Peter Toms
> Condor Electronics Seattle
> 206 633 5190
> 206 633 0803
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