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RE: Boss Octave Pedal- get the roland synth!

This is the topic i was trying to start mentioning the
Alvarez GK ready guitar:
The roland basses are excellent sounding and you can
even build a preset where you have the bass on the
bottom strings only plus all the other goodies.I know
a lot of you shy away from guitar synths but this
beats the horrible sounding pitch shifters!

--- mwsmart@insightbb.com wrote:

> > Of course, I've already thought about this option,
> and I can already play bass 
> > well enough for my purposes, I'd say.  But
> switching between guitar and bass 
> > over and over again for each song (during
> different parts of a song) just isn't 
> > all that practical (and if I was in the audience,
> I'd start getting pissed at 
> > having to hear the loop those extra times, and I
> don't personally like it much 
> > either being the performer).  The ability to
> switch instantly would be a BIG 
> > plus.  
> Yeah, this is my rationale, too. With the switch on
> the guitar I can switch 
> instantly between 6 strings of guitar, 2 bass  + 4
> guitar, and 
> 6 of bass. Not practical with a regular freaking
> electric bass and guitar.
> Eventually, when I totally master the Stick, I'll be
> able to do it all live 
> with no looping, but that will require about 100
> times as much practicing as 
> the Chili Dog/loop setup.
> Mark Smart
> www.marksmart.net


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