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Hey Larry, if you are taking pot shots at me or my brother, why don't you
just come out and say it rather than imply it? The truth is I haven't
around to listening to your CD, not for any reason other than I haven't
gotten around to it.. Another thing is I personally don't offer critiques
people unless they ask for them. I'm sorry you had your feelings hurt
because neither of us gave you a rave review, but that is your problem.
As I recall, you were welcomed with open arms at Y2K, I even helped you
your mountain of gear, and sat through your whole set which I did find
interesting, even though I didn't appreciate all your sour grapes whining
about your new mountain of gear, how much it cost and how frustrating it
to learn how to operate it. I also take exception to your disparaging
remarks about the looping community in general, which you seem to view as
some kind of exclusive fraternity. Which it most certainly isn't. You've
a big chip on your shoulder Larry, and if you think you are so above
everyone else on this list in terms of musical sophistication and
perspective I suggest you find another list to rail against. Here are a
couple of quotes you might enjoy that I think are highly relevant to you.
"competition is for Horses"
-Bela Bartok
"check your ego at the door"
-Quincy Jones
Shame on you Larry,
Bill Walker
-----Original Message-----
From: Larry Cooperman [mailto:coop@newmillguitar.com]
Sent: Monday, February 14, 2005 11:46 AM
To: Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com
Hi Tony,
I listened and I found the comp wanting nothing and found the title
quite proper for the sonic result. Very, very good!
I have found that a lot of the people on this mailing list really don't
understand music.
They understand machines, popular "music," multimedia and other things
wrapped up in technology but music no.
So I would take what everyone says here with a grain or a load of salt.
A while back I gave a series of compositions to one of these people and
his brother for their amusement and because the primary function of the
stuff was music, I heard nothing from them. They don't understand
music as an organic growing thing, they understand it as part of a
social order that they grew up with. This I know because I heard them.
As good as they are I heard nothing new what-so-ever. So when
confronted with something that they haven't heard before they were
What I mean to say is that music has a life beyond classifiers like
popular and technology. It is pure expression without the need for
We have a lot of highly intelligent people here who are schooled and
well read but treat their music like vestiges of their teenage years
and nothing beyond that. When I say they don't understand music I mean
it. They have no historical perspective at all and believe me that is
need in the music arts as it is in any other. How the hell do you know
when you're being a "rebel" if you know nothing about what you're
"rebelling" against.
There are no rebels here. I read these emails from time to time most
of the time I just delete them because of the banal content, people
thinking they're really. really cutting edge and they are just not.
I may get a kick out of something here someday but I attended Y2K4, did
a really horrible performance myself but I am sure that I made sounds
that I hadn't heard before based on the chaos of all of the crappy gear
that was meant to represent me.
Is a paint brush gear? Is a vibrating string gear? Gear, gear so what
if there is no electricity? Technology has made musicians out of
lawyers and bakers? No. At least not in my book.
As well, a person playing in a orchestra is not the same caliber
creator as some of the Loopers. I always thought that being a musician
had something to do with creation and with some orchestra musicians,
you take the sheet music away and they order a pizza. There was a time
in classical music when everyone improvised.
Take what I say as not another opinion but a judgment. I have some
historical perspective.
Larry Cooperman
New Millennium Guitar
- References:
- No Subject
- From: Larry Cooperman <coop@newmillguitar.com>