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Re: Who out there has the knowledge to design/build this looper?

Title: Re: Who out there has the knowledge to design/build this l
To all,
Richard, thank you for your response.
Two things we want everyone to know. 
First, we researched the existing availability of products as well as doing a patent search, but we couldn't locate an existing patent for the project that we have envisioned.  We also certainly don't want to prematurely slam the door on anyone considering responding that may be interested, so everyone please stay with us.  
Second, the "music" in an exhaust system is much less complex than in actual musical instruments, accordingly our quality expectations and specifications are minimal for our product application.  Due to the higher costs and skills required in using a Physical Modeling (PM) approach, we are looking to handle this project with a less expensive FM Wavetable synthesis strategy.  For anyone who didn't see the first message, take a look at our website to see what we are requesting a talented individuals help in developing.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, February 25, 2005 11:49 PM
Subject: Re: Who out there has the knowledge to design/build this looper?

At 9:18 PM +0100 2/25/05, Chuck Scholtz wrote:
Somebody out there has the knowledge needed to create our engine/exhaust voice simulator.  We are looking for a musician, DJ, audiophile, programmer, sound engineer, or anyone who has an interest in today's fast cars or musclecars from the 70's.  We don't want to just change the "pitch," we would prefer to be able to slow down/speed up stored digital sound samples using real-time time-stretching correlated to RPM with either a software or preferably a hardware solution.  See our proposed product at www.musclecarsounds.com to see if you have an interest in this ground floor design opportunity.  Full credits and profit-sharing.  Contact us ASAP using the email contact address on the website.

You might be interested to know that several years ago someone developed such an engine-simultor using physical modeling techniques. I'm pretty sure that their project was based on patented technologies and resulted in licensing deals with game companies.

Richard Zvonar, PhD      
(818) 788-2202                                 