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Re: copy loop or perhaps next loop or some combo of the two ?

So, you want to record loop A, and then make a loop B that's the same
length, record some more stuff into that, then have the EDP combine
the two loops into loop C?  If so, then yes, the EDP won't do it.  One
of the "rules" of the EDP is that "everything happens in real time"
and one of the others is "only one loop can be played at a time". 
Since you can't play two loops at the same time on the EDP, you can't
record them into a third loop.

Depending on the actual audio content of loop A and B, it is possible
to do something like record A, copy that to B, overdub a bit, and copy
that to loop C, but you're trying to have A and B be unrelated except
for loop length, then you won't be able to mix them into C.


On 8/2/05, adam malliet <malliet@gmail.com> wrote:
> Here is what i want to do...
> I want to create a loop, we'll call it LoopA
> Then used LoopCopy=timing to set my next 2 loops to be the same time.
> Then use NextLoop to switch to LoopB, build the loop up a bit.
> Ok, so far i think this is all possible, here is what i am not sure i
> can do, looking for help...
> I want to then copy LoopA and LoopB to the 3rd space making it Loop C.
>  These of course wil be layered, and should already be synced.
> So have a I stumped the Echoplex ?
> Adam Malliet