>this is similar to what I do with the repeater- I have the
feedback turned down & then send the repeater back into itself via an aux on
my mixer. any
>effects &/or eq on the repeater's mixer channel are
thus multiplied into the loop to a degree that I can control by balancing the
"mixer" feedback against
>the repeater's own feedback. some flanging arfefacts do
present themselves but are lost in the general melee.... :-)
I do something sort of like that with my setup. I have a
set of delays on each of the AUX sends out of my mixer and I run the outputs of
those back into the channels on the mixer, I can then send them back around to
the same set of delays, or to the other. If I get it set just right, it'll
play and evolve and do weird stuff for hours.
It looks sort of like this
Instrument input -> mixer -> Aux 1 -> Digitech 2 sec
DDL -> Adrenalinn -> DL4 -> mixer channel 1/2
-> Aux 2 -> Arion Stereo Delay -> RC20XL -> DD20 GigaDelay ->
mixer channel 3/4
I can then send channel 1/2 to aux 2 and channel 3/4 to aux 1
and around and around she goes...
feedback heaven.