this is where SOME info is worse than NO info. dude think about it. u have a wave at 1/2 the sample frequency. think about it like connect-the-dots. the only ones u can plot are the max(positive) and min(negative) points of the wave. NOW connect the dots and what do u have. thats right a sawtooth wave. even if the original was a sine. but at least u have the frequency. forget about phase what about shape or tone? even if u sampled at a frequency high enough to give u three or even 4 points to connect, its STILL approximate, very far from the shape of the original and certainly not "all the information of the original signal". ___ Adrian Bartholomew 8439 Lee Blvd Leawood, KS 66206 (913) 660-6918 On Dec 20, 2005, at 1:53 AM, Bill Fox wrote: