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Re: do they know?

i would love to own this cd and pay the 2005 price as advertised...
but i DONT use paypal...is there another way to purchace Vol.3?
thanks if there is

on 12/28/05 12:55 PM, Kim Flint at kflint@loopers-delight.com wrote:
> I think a great place to start is the Looper's Delight Compilation CDs! I
> just finally retrieved my copy of Vol 3 from the post office this 
> and I'm listening now. (thanks Sunao!) It's so exciting to hear all this
> great music. Zoe's opening track just finished (powerful, and
> extraordinary!) and now I'm on to Andy Butler on track 2 and his very
> musical use of such a wide range of loop techniques. (Andy's new cd is
> awesome also.)  Can't wait to hear the rest of this....
> http://www.loopers-delight.com/cd/LoopersDelightCDs.html
> kim