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Website: http://www.abstractlogix.com/

Abstract Logix looks for independent musicians who fit their format to partner with them and sell their material from their website. This will enable those musicians to connect with their target audience, obtain market penetration and allow them to keep substantially more income from their sales than if they were lucky or unlucky enough to sign with a traditional distributor.

1. Partners are supplied with an account number which allows them to check their sales and inventory at anytime.
2. Our software will also allow the partner to check on hits received and from which websites they were referred from.
3. Partners can even print download reports and statistics to better market their music.

Working with AbstractLogix is a true partnership.


1. Abstract Logix creates its own special features that focus on the music of particular musicians.
2. Your CD will be advertised on the various pages of our site.
3. We create a special product page for you at our shopping store. You will be provided a link to it from your website.
4. Your CD can be advertised on our newsletter which is sent out to our mailing list.
5. AbstractLogix will automatically submit your titles to the Internet Search Engines.
6. AbstractLogix makes it easy to sell your product to your fans by accepting payment by PayPal, major credit cards, checks and wire transfers. In addition to online ordering, orders may also be placed by phone or snail mail. We pride ourselves that your products will be shipped to grateful customers in a timely and professional manner

Finally, AbstractLogix is an aggressive marketer. We attend many conventions and events all around the world. Your merchandise can be taken with us and offered on these trips. (WE are the exclusive merchandise distributors for John McLaughlin and his band Remember Shakti among others!) No traditional distributor would be able to offer this valuable service. Most of the above services are free of charge. Pricing for the other services are negotiated depending upon your needs.

Fees/Cost: $20 one time fee

Percentage of CD Sales: $4 per CD
Digital Distribution to other services?  No
MP3 downloads on site? Samples only
Example download page for artists:  http://www.abstractlogix.com/xcart/product.php?productid=17684&cat=0&page=1
How it Works

1. It is very simple. Fill out the form at the bottom of the page - http://www.abstractlogix.com/contact_form.php?type=sellcd
2. Once we decide we want to sell your music, please send us 5 copies of each title and a cd of sample tracks so that we can have them available for a potential customer to listen to. You decide the length of the samples.
3. We review the sales every month and send you a check. If you sell all your CDs in 4 weeks, you get paid right away. If you are not a resident of USA, you will be paid using PayPal. We are not just a record store. We try our best to make sure that you get your name out there through news items, reviews, interviews, spotlights and promotion

How to Sign Up: http://www.abstractlogix.com/contact_form.php?type=sellcd
Pros: Fairly easy to setup your account; reporting features; financial reporting capabilities; reasonable setup fee and cut from CD sales; as with Amazon Advantage, your CDs are up for sale with othe major artists, not just independent
Cons: No digital distribution or MP3 sales