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Re[2]: [LOOP] Slimming down the digests

m> Well, FWIW some of my fondest Internet experiences involve telnetting
m> into the text-only interfaces of Mindvox and The Well.  This is when 
m> a 2400 baud modem was speedy.  And, the most ironic thing is that 
m> through a vt100 term, 2400 baud *is* pretty speedy.  Go figure.


today a lot is spoken about making internet accessible for people with
disabilities etc. but it's often forgotten that there are huge areas
where DSL and cable is not standard and most(!) of the sites are not
accessible in big parts of the world.

I had some work with African musicians (I mean Africans living in
Africa) and I have seen the Internet-connection of the band leader who
was the "tech guy" of the band. I think it was around 8 people sharing
a 2400 Baud modem for a connection which disconnected every 3-5
minutes and was unable to reestablish for hours.
Trying to open some sites was just a ridiculous attempt. But for them
email and a website that could be viewd by other people in their
country was essential.

So if you want your websites to be accessible by a few 100 millions
more think about the technology you use.


(I love text-email)

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