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Re: 2 Days of Loop Performance Recording Madness


You madman you! Sounds like you were having a very good time!
The downloads were both fun. The longer one starts out in familiar
Hartung territory but travels to some funny places along the way.
Stay away from the "funny farm" though. And, if anyone offers
you a new white jacket with extra long sleeves, just say "no thanks!"

I like playing with a drumer on an electric kit as well. Dr. Bob Sterling
the drummer I play with most often goes back and forth between a
full Rolland V-Drum kit and a Handsonic with kick pedal and a couple
of Korg Kaoss Pads. He can get very creative with just the latter.
Sounds like you both were having some intense fun. I would've loved
to have been there.

Anywhere where this sort of thing happens even on a semi-regular
basis has got to have something going for it that most places don't.
I'm looking foreward my trek to Boise in a couple of months.

Best regards,

tEd ® kiLLiAn

"The only true free-thinker is he whose intellect is is as much free
from the future as from the past." -- G.K. Chesterton


Ted Killian's "Flux Aeterna" is also available at: Apple iTunes,
BuyMusic, Rhapsody, MusicMatch, MusicNet, DiscLogic, Napster,
AudioLunchbox, Lindows, QTRnote, Music4Cents, Etherstream,
RuleRadio, EMEPE3, Sony Connect, CatchMusic, Puretracks,
and Viztas. Yadda, yadda, yadda. Blah, blah, blah. So???