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Re: MIDI pc controller for EDP (was: unrounded multiply question/praise the edp)

On 17 mar 2006, at 01.06, Tony Douglas wrote:

> Hi Per,
> Don't know if anyone's suggested it before and I've been too dopey- 
> eyed to notice, but what you're talking about sounds like the  
> ancient Roland RC-3 remote controller. There's one on eBay UK at  
> the moment (less than a day to go), link to the auction is ...
> http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ROLAND-RC-3-MIDI-PROGRAM- 
> CHANGER-1989_W0QQitemZ7396729959QQcategoryZ38090QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
> - Tony

Wow, that look exactly like the thingy I had envisioned! But it seem  
too expensive for me. I guess the price "£1.44 " means one hundred  
and forty four pound and not "one pound and forty four cents"? If you  
look at the bottom of that page the post mail fee is written  "£3.14"  
and I just doesn't seem correct that the stamps should be twice as  
expensive as the Roland device! Very cool thing BTW. You could put it  
on the cafe table when your co-workers display their iPods and cell  
phones ;-))))  That True Futuristic Retro Vibe!

Greetings from Sweden

Per Boysen
www.boysen.se (Swedish)
www.looproom.com (international)