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Re: Line6 Echo Park

I am also curious if anyone has tried the Echo Park's stablemate, the 
reverb pedal whose name escapes me.


-----Original Message-----
>From: mech <mech@m3ch.net>
>Sent: Mar 17, 2006 3:14 AM
>To: Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com
>Subject: Re: Line6 Echo Park
>At 10:57 PM +0000 3/16/06, Ian Popperwell wrote:
>>I've been off the list for a while and am glad to be back. I've just 
>>bought the Line6 Echo Park, the new unprogrammable version of the 
>>DL4 without a looper - oh, that makes it sound rubbish doesn't it... 
>>It's a single stomp box type delay pedal with pretty much the same 
>>delay models in it as the DL4 - but with some useful shortcuts to 
>>make the non-programmability more pallatable. I'm using it at gigs 
>>alongside my DL4 and really like it (compact + a great sound) - 
>>thought it worth bringing to the
>>attention of the list.
>I believe the Echo Park actually came up as a discussion item very 
>soon after its initial release.  At that time the early adopters 
>complained about a high S/N ratio and poorer fidelity than on the DL4 
>or Echo Pro, so many people just went on about their normal lives 
>However, there doesn't ever seem to be a "final word" on gear.  Tell 
>us, have you noticed any noise issues with your unit?  In terms of 
>sound quality and background hiss, how does it stack up on a 
>head-to-head against your DL4?
>       --m.
>"Take a packet of seeds.  Take yourself out to play
>  I want to see river of orchids where we had a motorway..."