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Re: Effects (Was: what a loop has to say)

At 07:46 AM 3/17/2006, you wrote:
>My wife once told me that when I sit down with my acoustic guitar 
>and just play freely, that what she hears sound more creative than 
>anything else I do with my gear, looping, etc. I find that sort of 
>interesting (sometimes discouraging)...makes me start to question 
>what is really necessary for me to express myself artistically, vs. 
>hiding behind the gear. Heck, if I can sit down at a gig with just 
>my acoustic, and satisfy both myself and others artistically, I'd 
>probably be retired right now with all the money I would have saved!  :)

Yes, that's a cycle I'm going around all the time: Expansion and 

By using effects, I open up my mind to different sounds.  This sends 
me back to my clean acoustic guitar to see if I can approximate the 
sound acoustically with my fingers. Often the sounds appear without 
forethought during a solo.  Strings rattling against the frets sound 
like distortion.  Octaves sound like chorus.  Harmonics sound like 
feedback. Ostinatos sound like delays. The guitar body is a drum.

I love new colors but I can't let the palette get in the way of the 


The Nettles: Progressive and Exciting Celtic Music