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Re: Laptop Set-up....

Excellent info. Thanks, Per. I need to lose some latency, so I  
appreciate the tips. I do like the color of the Vintage Warmer on the  

Jeff Kaiser
pfMENTUM.com • AngryVegan.com
On Mar 21, 2006, at 11:52 PM, Per Boysen wrote:

> On 22 mar 2006, at 06.18, Jeff Kaiser wrote:
>> The last module does it: PSP Audio's Vintage Warmer (VST object in  
>> max is great for hosting all these, though I've also written my own  
>> weird limiters)....though, I'm thinking about Elemental Audio's  
>> Neodynium....anyone using it out there?
> Yes. I use it whenever I need its unique sound (dynamic compressing).  
> On of Neodynums good sides is that it does its job with very little  
> latency. I think it worked quite well on direct input electric guitar  
> in my laptop. Although I have not tried it myself, a college keeps  
> telling me that he got a great sound on a recorded acoustic guitar out  
> of Neodynum. From knowing Neodynum I imagine he is right.
> Another software compressor that may be used with almost no latency  
> (fulfills its job within the plugin working buffer) is the Sonalkis  
> one. It does colors the audio with a "traditional analog tone", but I  
> like that. Sonalkis is the only software compressor I may use for live  
> audio - when host application built-in latency compensation is not  
> active, as it is when audio is first recorded before processed. One  
> good use is to slap a stereo Sonalkis on the host applications master  
> stereo out. When you get the levels right you can "play the mix" by  
> your live audio input (the instrument played through the laptop). But  
> usually I save up computer power by using a hardware compressor after  
> the laptop (but before the PA) instead. My hardware RNC doesn't sound  
> as good as the software Sonalkis, but almost.
> I too use the PSP VintageWarmer a lot. But in a different way that the  
> two mentioned above. VW colors the sound even more and sometimes you  
> need exactly that. It has a good two band multi compressing option.  
> Can easily destroy music of overused ;-)  I never use it for live  
> input streams because of its huge latency. VW can feel "dynamically  
> sloppy" on some audio material, like for example drums, but PSP also  
> offers the MixPressor (part of their MixPack) that is incredibly  
> snappy - on recorded material, lots of latency here.
> Greetings from Sweden
> Per Boysen
> www.boysen.se (Swedish)
> www.looproom.com (international)
> http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast? 
> id=128679560&s=143456