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Re: Wireless Video Cam? Is such gear available?


While not doing the contact brush mic thing, my friend Gilli Moon
(info@warriorgirlmusic.com and www.gilli.net) has done painting on 
clear panels
on stage while performing.  She might have some additional ideas.

There are wireless cameras out their that aren't that expensive. I don't
remember any specific companies but a quick search on the web should 
turn stuff

Tell her I sent ya!


Michael Plishka


Quoting Per Boysen <perboysen@gmail.com>:

> Hi,
> Can someone recommend suitable equipment for wireless video shooting?
> The idea is to have a percussionist wearing a helmet with a camera.  
> This guy will play with brushes on a canvas that is prepared with  
> contact microphones and amplified through the PA. He will also use  
> colors and "paint" while "playing". A big screen will project his  
> canvas over the stage. This guy will also (hopefully) through himself 
>  into improvised adventures among the audience and whatever he turns  
> at will be filmed and projected to the big screen.
> Greetings from Sweden
> Per Boysen
> www.boysen.se (Swedish)
> www.looproom.com (international)
> http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast? 
> id=128679560&s=143456