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this box sucks or i'm an idiot!

you guessed it, i'm an idiot.....i've never used the"channel inserts" on my mackie 1202, i did not have the filter factory nor my warpfactory in any of my signal chains because i thought they sucked.....i have one of my guitar outs in channel 2 of the mixer and today i used the channel insert to send that signal to the ff and wf.....yippe!, i have found the madness i had been lusting for, this is all sent to the mofx for it's delay and then off to an ineko and then to the rang.....etc. etc.....what a lesson!.....i have pulled out all my manuals and am rereading all of them to see what else i have been missing all of these years.....i think about this stuff way toooo much....."well if i......?".....i am no longer clean but wallowing in sonic mud and loving it!.....but with a few well placed flicks of my fingers i can be as clean as peter, paul and mary.....:)m
