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Re: Filter-Looper Swapping

Kevin says
>In other words I'll want two signal paths that I can switch between 
>with a single pedal-press:
>1. Guitar-->Effects-->Filter-->EDP-->Amp
>2. Guitar-->Effects-->EDP-->Filter-->Amp

that's a 3-pole double throw switch
3PDT   or  4P2T

a 4-pole is more common (I think) and that would do just as well
4PDT   or 4P2T

guitar to (EDP in or Filter in)
EDP out to (Filt in or amp)
Filt out to ( amp or EDP in)

the switching won't sound so good while a loop is running
( and maybe cause a loud sound on switching, depending on the switch 
mechanics and the gain
  of the devices))

doesn't the Filter Queen have 2 channels  which could be used seperately?

>I've been looking at the inputs and outputs and drawing diagrams

Claude will be very pleased :-)

>but I can't figure out how to switch the positions in the signal 
>chain between the EDP and the FilterQueen with a single pedal 
>press.  I do have two inputs on the amp.

I ended up with all my FX pre loop.

A common solution is to buy 2 effects, and put one pre loop, and one post.
