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Re: stutter in a pedal

On Thu, 30 Mar 2006, simeon harris wrote:

> some time ago, we had a little conversation about how to get live 
> fx and we posted a few ideas about the sort of features we might like in 
> a device...
> anyway...i just came across the Zvex Tremorama....which has a "random" 
> mode...see what you think...
> http://www.zvex.com/tremorama.html

I've had and used a Z-Vex Seek-Trem (the Tremorama minus the random 
feature) since it came out in mid-2004, and have several of his effects 
pedals and love all of them. It's a lot of fun. (I used it in several 
spots on those tuba loopage samples I posted links to earlier in the 

About a week after I got my Seek-Trem, I wrote Vex asking why he hadn't 
included a random feature on the Seek-Trem, as he had on the Ooh Wah (a 
Seek Wah with a linear or random flow through the right circuits). He 
replied "to keep the cost down" and added that he'd built a (what turns 
out to be a prototype Ooh Trem/Tremorama) and that he hadn't liked the 
result of the random volume muting. I guess the idea grew on him over the 
last year or so :).

(Next purchase: the Z-Vex Ringtone. Everything's better with ringmod.)

Steve B