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Re: Out of sync looper

Hey Dan,

sounds like we may have similar set ups... however I
have the microexpress and I have no sync issues ever. 
My clock is being generated by Digital Performer 4.6. 
It's solid.  Never have an issue.

Can you describe more of your signal chain?  My
Repeater is first in line with one of the
microexpress' outputs.  I have my 1010 feeding into
the microexpress and routed to the Repeater's outputs.

--- Dan Montgomery <dmont@knology.net> wrote:

> When I insert my MOTU micro express into the MIDI
> chain, the Repeater 
> will not longer solidly sync.  It gets close, but
> sooner or later swings 
> +.5 to -1.3 bpm, and will not recover the downbeat. 
> Not only will it not sync with the laptop, but
> responds the same to the 
> K2K when it's clock is fed through the interface.  
>  From what I've seen here and on the Repeater list,
> I have a relatively 
> complex rig that allows me to feed the Repeater from
> AGtr, a Roland 
> VG/GR rig &/or a mic at will.  I'd hate to lose this
> ability, but I 
> gotta do something.
> Anyone have any ideas where to look next?
> I put this on the Repeater list also.  Maybe with
> the help of both 
> groups, I can figure this out.
> Dan Montgomery
> music.download.com/danmontgomery
> www.myspace.com/precentor

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