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Re: RC-50: Multiply feature? (overdubbing w/ different lengths)

I may be wrong but I think the Looperlative is the
only box out there that allows multiple tracks of
different lengths synced or not synced to each other.


--- Seth Elgart <selgart@earthlink.net> wrote:

> At 6:53 AM -0700 6/1/06, Buzap wrote:
> >If I record a sample ("phrase") and go into
> overdub,
> >does that mean I have to stick to the initial
> phrase
> >length no matter what?
> >I wanted to do this: record 1 bar, then overdub
> >2-bar-pattern, then overdub 4-bar-pattern etc.
> >Is there a reasonable way (like multiply) to do
> this?
> Why not do it the old fashioned way, by playing it
> by hand? Play the 
> first one bar pattern through four times, then play
> the second two 
> bar pattern twice, then play the four bar pattern
> once. This way you 
> have three different length phrases, except that as
> far as the 
> looper's concerned they're all four bars. As long as
> you're not 
> playing sevens against eights or something this will
> work fine. You 
> could do that too if you're willing to play the
> patterns by hand 
> eight times and seven times respectively, and if the
> looper can 
> record a phrase of that length. On the other hand,
> if you want 11 
> against 13, then you'll have to record 143 measures
> before they'll 
> line up again.
> In the late 80s/early 90s I was working on a "sound
> track" for a 
> play. I had a piece that was about 3.5 minutes long,
> with a 
> burbling-along arpeggio running throughout, but they
> wanted it to be 
> twice that because that's how long the scene was.
> For the original, I 
> simply played the four-note arpeggio eight times,
> then made that loop 
> (I was using Performer, or maybe a hardware digital
> sequencer). Very 
> simple. However, when we re-recorded that for the
> play, the studio 
> had only the one tape machine and no computers or
> other looping 
> devices. I had to sit there and play that dang
> arpeggio by hand for 
> seven minutes. It took me an hour of trying before I
> managed to play 
> it perfectly all the way through, and I had to throw
> everyone out of 
> the room to do it. The Human Sequencer.
> What was I talking about? Oh, yeah. The moral of
> this little story is 
> to not worry about the possible lack of
> functionality of the hardware 
> in question, but to simply play the different length
> patterns by 
> hand. <g>
> It'll work just fine.
>           Seth

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