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Re: Gear photos (was: Looping shoes)

--- Per Boysen <perboysen@gmail.com> wrote:
> Now that's a very nice page! I really enjoyed
> listening to the music  
> and reading about Tim's adventures. Yes, the gear
> shots are cute ;-)

Kind of makes you want to trade in that ultra-portable
laptop setup you've got for a half-ton of scratchy
knobs, crackly wires and a slightly used
transportvagn, doesn't it? No? ;)

Glad you enjoyed the music. I haven't heard your
'Organisational Culture Loops' in a few months; I
think I'll play it right now! Goes very well with
coffee! <http://www.looproom.com/index3.php>


'Rantai' CD: <http://cdbaby.com/cd/timnelson1>
'Mesh' CD: <http://cdbaby.com/cd/timnelson2>
Chain Tape Collective: <http://www.ct-collective.com/>

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