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Re: RC-50 vs. Repeater?

Also check the latest software upgrade for the FCB1010
i believe(but not sure) there is a toggle function now
to have the button light indicator either on or off
which could help u see the state of the muted/unmuted
tracks,i know the PMC10 could do this.

--- monk <monk@fuse.net> wrote:

> zoe,
>   have you considered having a separate controller
> that only mutes  
> and un-mutes? i know it's a hassle to have more
> gear, but having a  
> dedicated second controller would allow you to have
> the even numbers  
> be mute-off and odd numbers be mute-on or something.
> at the start of  
> each song you could just hit a switch that un-mutes
> everything. it  
> would be easier than restarting the repeaters. also,
> i use the lake  
> butler midigator which allows you to have quite a
> few more cc and pc  
> messages, i believe. they're getting harder to find,
> but i have an  
> extra i could loan you to try, if you like. let me
> know off-list if  
> you'd like to try it.
> peace
> ric hordinski
> www.richordinski.com
> www.myspace.com/richordinskimusic
> www.myspace.com/monasterystudio
> monk@fuse.net

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