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Re: Link to Max runtime info (Was Kris's hardware FX thread)

Whoa.  I never knew about gizmo~, just checked it out with a soundfile, I
wonder how it works in real time... Will try later...

I've tried taptools with varying degrees of success, but never heard
anything out of a laptop like an orville or even h3000.

You're being a good evangelist for maxtology, though, I must say.

Looking forward to more.

All best,

On 6/29/06 2:00 PM, "Jeff Kaiser" <loopersdelight@pfmentum.com> wrote:

>> If we could just get power up to do pitchshifting it would be SO GREAT!
> It is there.....(mac powerbook g4, 1.5)
> gizmo~

³Virtue is just repression waiting to go bad² - Trevor Exter

³Classical music is related to the past more than it is related to the
creative part of sound² - Ornette Coleman
Todd Reynolds
42-09 47th Ave 1C
Sunnyside, NY  11104
Ph.    718 392-3773
Mob.   917 576-6166
Fax    419 781-5502

9175766166@vtext.com (155 characters or less)
AIM ID: toddreyn