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Re: Loop effects: Can software be as good as good hardware?

On Jun 29, 2006, at 23:54, mark sottilaro wrote:

> All this talk about Eclipse/Fireworx vs. Max/Reaktor
> made me think, surely dedicated hardware must sound a
> lot better, no?

That's up for each musician to decide. Listen to the stuff and see  
what you think! According to my taste I have found some unique sounds  
only available from software and some other unique sounds in hardware.

> Perhaps software is way more flexible
> but is it as good?

Of course it's as good! It's just the same algorithms mangling the  
signal, given you have as good sound card and converters connected to  
the computer running the software. And regarding flexibility I do  
think that some hardware actually can stand up well to software. The  
flexibility I get with my TC el Fireworx (all types of effects, 32  
step sequencer, extensive routing capabilities) is hard to find  
outside Max and Pluggo.

Greetings from Sweden

Per Boysen
www.boysen.se (Swedish)
www.looproom.com (international)
http://tinyurl.com/fauvm (podcast)