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Re:Re: FlyLooper & market potential

>Aaron is writing a software looper, and presumably wants to make
>money selling it.  Instead of supporting MIDI like practically every
>other piece of music software in the world, he was going to build his
>own custom footswitch that would only work with his software.
>Many, if not most, of the people that are going to be interested in
>this looper don't want another friggin' footswitch.  Not supporting
>MIDI, at least as an option, is insane.

with the standard "my2cents" disclaimer, and respect to Jeff:-

The advantage is presumably that the footswitch works as a dongle,
which is a useful consideration in profit terms.

Doesn't that Korg Legacy thing rely on a similar principle?

I could imagine that having a nice light small footswitch to work
the looper, while using the laptop to set up FX & sounds
would be most acceptable for a portable rig.

andy butler