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At 11:49 AM -0700 7/19/06, Paul Richards wrote:
>The argument about feedback seems to be like someone complaining 
>that a automobile is useless because it doesn't have a truckbed.

Actually, I'd liken it more to a car that doesn't have seats: It'll 
drive and it'll get you where you need to go, but the ride may not be 

>So what? Many folks don't need a truckbed (or feedback).

And, for some of us, it's a baseline requirement and non-negotiable 
-- just as Mark pointed out.  To each his own...

Being patient 'til December here, and maybe <*crossing fingers*> the 
new 'Rang will make all this a moot argument.

"If Television is a babysitter, then the Internet is a drunk 
librarian who won't shut up..."