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--- Charles Zwicky <cazwicky@earthlink.net> wrote:

> Finally I got the Electro Harmonix 2880, every track
> has an 
> individual feedback control! You start to think
> about the permanence 
> of each track and your thoughts begin to organize
> themselves in 
> interesting ways....

Yeah, for the first time in my life I have a looper
(Mobius) that does feedback while *not* in OD... so
your loops can decay no matter what your rec/od
situation is.  Very cool but it's a totally different
vibe.  Each track can have it's own feedback set up...
really mind blowing and exciting.  I wish it had the
option of switching from the constant decay to a more
Repeater like setup where you only decay when its in
active overdub too... but that's a very small point. 
I remember wishing the Repeater was like this when I
got it.  Why isn't everything everything? ;)


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