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Foot or face? Where do you like it?

--- Michael Plishka <mike@michaelplishka.com> wrote:

> Correct me if I'm wrong, but having this all on the
> floor for a live gig
> where one does things other than looping is more of
> a hindrance, isn't it?

Good point.  There is an issue with any piece of music
gear (unless you're a vocalist) that is designed to be
used at the same time one is performing.  Unlike the
Squonshilius on FUUUMO 5, we only have two digited
limbs with decent articulation. (damn these useless

So.  We want loopers.  We want loopers with features. 
LOTs of features.  But we want them to be simple and
easy to control.  But we also want to smile at our
audience (er, well I just show videos to get around
all this).  How do we get this to happen?

Right now I'm at a point with Mobius where each button
on my FCB1010 has been assigned... but there are still
functions I want to be able to easily control with my
feet.  Set up another bank?  I don't like this.  I
feel it starts to get too confusing.  Another
controller?  Not enough floor real estate.  So what
should I do?  Probably I'll do what I do with my
Repeater: keep less used functionality on the unit and
must have stuff on the floor.  I don't like this
compromise, but I don't see another way.  Maybe it's
God's way of telling me I should keep things more
simple... wait, didn't Trent tell me he died?  Oh

I do think one of the Repeater's strengths was it's
super nice interface.  It didn't take long for me to
get comfortable with it and other than a few blunders
with the interface it became a no brainer after a

Really the best performances I've seen by loopers are
That One Guy, Kid Beyond, Brian Kenny Fresno, Amy X
and Laurie Anderson... all who are doing well
structured songs.  Hmm... what does that mean?  Not a
single one ever bent down to tweak a pedal, that's for
sure.  I'm not familar enough with the RC's to know if
you can do most of what you need without bending over,
but they sure had better.  Also, Electro-Harmonix, are
you listening?  Why do you make pedals that need


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