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Re: Aristotle and Reality (was Re: Coffeehouse Guitar vs street-busker)

i like to apply a little perpetual motion on a
hericlitus...who shot ole harry clit anyhow?tragic.

--- Krispen Hartung <khartung@cableone.net> wrote:

> > Also, keep in mind that reality is largely
> subjective.  Aristotle 
> > approaches Reality from an objective point of
> view.  I can think of two 
> > consequences right offhand that fall from this;
> both as a consequence 
> > owing to the fact that the human mind is a
> pattern-recognition engine.
> Yes! That is a key point. Aristotle had to bind
> qualities to essense, 
> otherwise he couldn't have done what he did so well,
> which was to categorize 
> things and arrange them in a natural
> hierarchy.....which ended up 
> influencing the concent of "The Chain of Being",
> which by the way was 
> partially responsible for generating
> anti-evolutionary sentiments during the 
> hay day of Darwin, Lamarch, etc.  A species was
> considered fixed and 
> immutable on this chain of being. Of course, they
> had no idea of genetics 
> until Mendel's pea experiments came along, which
> showed that species were 
> mutable over time based on the mutation and mixing
> of the units of heredity. 
> Figuratively speaking, Aristotle was rolling in his
> grave and the Greek 
> philosopher Hericlitus, known for his theory of the
> flux (that all things 
> change), was screaming horray!!!!
> Hericlitus would have been a great looper. :)
> K- 

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