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Re: Staying on the Looping topic

I don't see anyone discussing when is the best time to prune roses or how 
change their spark plugs here.
What I do see is a bunch of well informed people united by an interest in, 
and a love of, looping.
If someone wants to ask about VST plugins it's because they are using them 
in their looping activities. Similarly if they're asking about computer 
operating systems.
While these subjects are not directly about looping surely one can see 
they are indirectly about looping?
Not only does the poster benefit from the accumulated knowledge of the 
but readers are introduced to new ideas and approaches to looping.
I found Krispen's account of his various problems and solutions to 
a laptop based system interesting. Including his reasons of doing so. 
Otheres are inspired or at least tempted to go down this route as a result.
I personally enjoy the breadth of scope offered by ths list and the people 
behind the ideas. For me it would be a great shame to turn it into a 
straightjacketed forum without the nooks and crannies that have become 
of the list' personality.


> If you are making a post and it is not explicitly about looping, you 
> should really ask yourself 3 or 4 times before you send it: why you are 
> about to waste hundreds of people's time with an off-topic post? Is this 
> worth using up list bandwidth, taking up space in the digest, and 
> in the archive forever?
> Just because you think this is an interesting group of people, or you 
> think someone here might know the answer to your random question, isn't 
> good enough reason. Neither is excusing it by telling other people to 
> delete if they don't want to read your off-topic post. Find a more 
> appropriate place for that post.