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Re: process Vs product

> I do have clients that listen just to the CD and dont care about how its 
> done.
> I gave a CD of mine to a simple citizan of my neighbourhood and month 
> later when I walked through that street, I heard my music! Is that the 
> kind of success you are talking about?

I think this is the acid test. I remember when Berhard Wagner, James Sidlo 
and myself were in Japan. James gave out very gracious landlady a copy of 
his album.
I heard her playing it some time later. Not just 2 minutes of it either - 
she had a real good listen.
On a personal note I think this maybe why I haven't created an album of 
looping. It sounds so much better to me when I'm playing it !
A classic process vs product split.
I think I'll start a new regime - record everything.
I think Tangerine Dream worked like this. They'd record hours of jamming 
cut it into shape for an album.
Anyone here doing this?
