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Re: Suggestion about looping gear

Going the software route will give you a bunch of new things to worry
about. You will just experience different limitations and hurdles to
deal with now :O(

I have both and enjoy my gibson echoplex and work with what it can offer
me and understand what it doesn't do, which doesn't effect me that much.
But I do enjoy my powerbook/ableton/midi controller setup also,
but I again expect and understand the limitations here also and
appreciate what software can do.

On Mon, Oct 23, 2006 at 07:56:11PM +0200, weaviestonder wrote:
> Thanks Douglas, Mark. Although you guys say two very different things 
> about the DD-20, you both contributed to give me a clearer idea on what 
> I need. As I said in my first post, I am planning to buy a new laptop 
> and use that and a midi foot controller instead of a hardware looping 
> device, but I just can't afford to buy all that stuff at once!
> A couple of more question for Mark:
> 1. how much RAM would you say a laptop would need to function as a 
> looper? Can you give me a frame of reference?
> 2. is software for Mac less functional than that on PC? I was planning 
> to get a Mac, since I have heard from many people that they are more 
> reliable than computers (no crashes, etc), which is a big deal when you 
> are performing live obviously. Also, they told me most PCs have longer 
> delay in handling MIDI signal (sorry this explanation is poor but my 
> English is insufficient here).
> 3. If I chose to get a Mac, would the hardware requirements be 
> different? I mean, would I need more or less RAM or more or less CPU to 
> do the same thing?
> Thank you all very much again, it's great to get to talk to people who 
> have experience in this field and are willing to share it and so patient 
> in talking to a newbie! :)
> Lorenzo
> >
> >
> >--- weaviestonder <weaviestonder@hotmail.it> wrote:
> >
> >That is why I need perfect timing control over my
> >loops: they need tobe perfectly synchronized with the
> >drum track I run in the background.
> >
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