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Stanosauros: World's Loudest Live Looper?

Stan Card, the man, wrote:
"so i profusely apologise to Rick for making things uncomfortable loudness 
wise. (those low frequencys need a lotta ampage!)"

Dear Stan,

I loved the music you made at the festival...........the sounds were 
unbelievably beautiful.   My poor ears couldn't take it in the room but
I stood outside the venue and loved what I heard.   I'm being really 
when I say this.

I also get that you can get these sounds no other way so I know what you 
going for.    You make Glen Branca look like a friggin'
cub scout.............lol!!!!!

So,  I felt really  terrible asking you to turn down...........I don't 
like to do that but to
confess to you,   we didn't have an official permit to do the festival 
because I was certain that the overcontrolling
SC police department would never give us a permit to play until midnight 
else riots would ensue with minors being raped by
overzealous live looping artists).     We just had to play that long to 
accomodate all the artists this year so I took the risk
of trying to avoid an official complaint from some of the other tenants in 
the building who were having business hours (and who
have been crabby in the past).

I knew that just one complaint to the police department by tenants of the 
building would result in us losing at least the late night slots
if not the whole festival so I took the risk of asking you to turn down. 
In the front the plate glass in the windows was wobbling so
badly from those beautiful bass tones of yours that we were afraid they 
going to shatter.

Besides,   your famous roady roared his approval when I lied and said the 
cops had already come (and later, I heard that he suspected
I was telling a cream colored lie).

So,  my main man.............thanks so much for 
playing.........................keep being uncompromising in your artistry
and Blue Cheer..........................move over guys,  there's a new 
lord in town.

Please forgive me................I love your music;  always have and 
will remain a big Stanosauros fan.


Rick  (who is just now recovering from the whole wonderfully creative, fun 
(and sometimes vexing) festival)