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Re: Free Stuff leading to Hell? (was: OT: Audio Quality (Was advice needed)

Hey Per, I was kidding... in a sense.  I often equate
the Jewdeo-Catholic idea of heaven and hell with
Order/logic (Heaven/holy) and chaos/emotion
(Hell/unholy).  I'm not going to go further into this
far far OT and start what I'm sure will be a flame
war, but that's the way I think of it.  Free mp3s are
not evil in any way.  I never charge for my music when
I record or play.  That's the way I like it.

Really I think things are on their way to becoming a
lot better for music and musicians.  What we lacked
before was distribution.  Now we don't.  We no longer
have to see the gate keeper before we publish our
ideas to everyone who cares to listen.  Sure it will
be more work for people to seperate what they consider
"wheat" from the chaff, but man I'd rather it be this
way than the old way.  I think the new way is a lot
more like humans naturally communicate in a tribal

Anyway, if any of ya'll are interested read
Understanding Media by McLuhan.  He's a bit of a blow
hard, but man he had some great ideas for his time.


--- Per Boysen <perboysen@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 28 dec 2006, at 18.54, mark sottilaro wrote:
> > Quality of an LCD?  Ha, there's the rub: LCD's
> > generally suck compared to a good CRT with the
> same
> > resolution.  Way better contrast for sure.  People
> buy
> > LCDs not for their quality but for their
> thin/light
> > nature.  People didn't buy CDs for their quality,
> they
> > bought them because they were easier to stock (for
> > retail and consumer) and more durable/portable.
> > People don't buy mp3s for... oh wait, they
> ususally
> > just download them for free.
> >
> > Basically it's all going to hell. ;)  I'm betting
> > it'll be somewhere between Bladerunner and Mad Max
> > (but Mel will be shouting more anti semetic
> phrases)
> I see no "going to hell" dimension in the fact that
> people download  
> music for free. Why not? Myself I don't mind sending
> a money donation  
> to the music creator if I particularly like
> something. The challenge  
> with the internet is that most of the free stuff is
> not very good,  
> from an artistic point of view. With old times
> record labels it was  
> the other way around; only the fact that a creator
> was signed to have  
> his/her outlet physically copied and distributed by
> the label worked  
> as a public quality level assurance. So because of
> this new world  
> order you can not expect people to pay up front for
> culture. The  
> relevant modern way to consume culture is to use it
> first and then  
> pay the creator if it you like the product (and if
> you have money).  
> The good side is that it brings up a new generation
> of community  
> oriented customers that want to "do the right thing"
> - equalling  
> sponsor creators that provide good "free stuff" -
> and also that  
> narrow artistic outlets can exist easier today than
> if a solid  
> marketing budget should be needed before even
> thinking about sharing  
> the content.
> I'm a big fan of the Creative Commons movement and
> I'm seriously  
> looking into giving away an entire album, newly
> recorded, at http:// 
> www.jamendo.com or some related player.
> Greetings from Sweden
> Per Boysen
> www.boysen.se (Swedish)
> www.looproom.com (international)
> http://tinyurl.com/fauvm (podcast)
> http://www.myspace.com/looproom

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